[robocup-humanoid] One Question about the rules

Jacky Baltes jacky at cs.umanitoba.ca
Fri May 21 23:37:20 EDT 2010


yes. That is what the current rules say. I think this is very harsh. I will
instruct the referees to at least nullify offsetting penalties. For example,
if both teams are positioned manually or illegally, there does not seem to
be a reason to have both teams start with 2 players only. Instead the
referee should start the game with 3 players each.

there is only the 10sec. penalty for not performing an autonomous
positioning and using the referee box as given in 8.2.6.

Manually placed teams have a disadvantage since they have to start from the
defense line.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:43 AM, Tang Qing <tangq at iipc.zju.edu.cn> wrote:

> Dear everyone:
> I have a question with one of the rules. On page 21,
> "The referee gives the signal "SET". The referee calls robots illegally
> positioned to be set back manually by the respective robot handler to the
> outerline of their goal area.
> One field player of a manually or illegally positioned team suffers a
> removal penalty (cf. Section 12). "
> Does that mean that any teams manually positioned can only have two robots
> on the field? At least one robot should suffer a removal penalty just
> because their team is a manually positioned team?
> Thank you
> 2010-05-20
> Tang Qing
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Prof. Jacky Baltes, EITC E2-402 Department of Computer Science, University
of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
VoIP: +1 (310) 961-2209, Fax: +1 (204) 474-7609
Email: jacky (AT) cs.umanitoba.ca
Gizmo: jacky_baltes

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