[robocup-humanoid] Rule Changes

Jacky Baltes jacky at cs.umanitoba.ca
Fri May 21 23:42:37 EDT 2010


I want to change the rules for re-entry after removal so that they match
what we have actually been playing for the last 5 years.

12.4.7 Point 5 states:
--- Old ---
A field player or goal keeper suffering a time penalty will be removed from
the field and has to re-enter the field after the penalty time has elapsed
from the center of the one of the two touch lines which is further away
from the current ball position.
--- Old ---
This is problematic since it means handlers have to run around or across the
field based on where the ball is. We have always allowed the robot to enter
at the side where it was removed from. That way the handler can prepare
himself and the robot.

So I suggest to change the rules to:

--- New ---
A field player or goal keeper suffering a time penalty will be removed from
the field and has to re-enter the field after the penalty time has elapsed
from the center of the one of the two touch lines which was closest to the
last position of the removed robot on the field.
--- New ---

Prof. Jacky Baltes, EITC E2-402 Department of Computer Science, University
of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
VoIP: +1 (310) 961-2209, Fax: +1 (204) 474-7609
Email: jacky (AT) cs.umanitoba.ca
Gizmo: jacky_baltes

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