[robocup-worldwide] BIMRS workshop at ECAI 2010 Conference

Daniele Calisi daniele.calisi at dis.uniroma1.it
Tue Apr 13 11:15:38 EDT 2010

Apologies for multiple posting.

==  BIMRS-10 at ECAI-10   ==
==    Lisbon, Portugal    ==
==   August, 17th 2010    ==

Benchmarking Intelligent (Multi-)Robot Systems (BIMRS)
workshop of the 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'10)

Website: http://labrococo.dis.uniroma1.it/bimrs/index.html
Organizers: Xiao Ping Chen (Univ. of Science and Technology of China),
Adam Jacoff (NIST, USA), Pedro U. Lima (Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Lisboa, Portugal), Daniele Nardi ("Sapienza" Univ. of Rome, Italy)

*** Aim and focus ***
The aim of the workshop is to focus the attention of researchers in
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on the need for evaluation and
benchmarking methods that can provide quantitative reliable measurements
of the ability of robots to perform complex tasks, that often cannot be
achieved with simple reactive behaviors. A substantial basis to tackle
this issue is given by robotic competitions and RoboCup in particular.
While RoboCup competitions provide a first significant step and experience
in benchmarking intelligent robot behaviors, we are still far from having
a well-established performance evaluation methodology that can be widely
accepted and generalized to other domains and tasks, and that is not
restricted to robot subsystems, but rather tackles the full integrated
system. Specifically, we believe that a significant contribution to this
topic should be brought by the Artificial Intelligence community, both
within competitions, such as RoboCup, and in other scientific endeavors.
The Workshop programme will include 2 invited talks and presentations of
submitted contributions (the targeted number is 12, but this will be
adjusted based on the number and quality of the submissions). A final
panel discussion will summarize the contributions presented at the
workshop. We plan to propose a special issue of ECCAI Communications to
publish selected contributions from the workshop.

*** Topics of interest ***
Research contributions are therefore solicited on all aspects concerning
the evaluation and benchmarking of intelligent robotics agents.
Specifically, the focus will be on those methods and frameworks that aim
at the evaluation of systems, possibly involving multiple-robots, with
respect to complex tasks such as:
- soccer,
- disaster response,
- surveillance,
- home companion/helper,
- domestic and other environment services, etc ...

*** Papers submission ***
Papers should be submitted electronically, following the instructions in
the workshop website.

*** Organizers ***
Xiao Ping Chen - Computer School, University of Science and Technology of
China, Hefei, 230027, China
Adam Jacoff - Intelligent Systems Division, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg (MD), USA
Pedro U. Lima - Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica, Instituto Superior
Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Daniele Nardi - Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica "Sapienza"
Università di Roma, Rome, Italy

*** Program Committee members ***
Fabio Bonsignorio - Herono Robotics, Genoa, Italy
Daniele Calisi - DIS, Rome, Italy
Angel del Pobil - University Jaume I, Spain
John Hallam - Univ. Southern Denmark, Denmark
Yongmei Liu - Sun Yat-sen University, China
Raj Madhavan - NIST, USA
Elena Messina - NIST, USA
Martin Riedmiller - University of Freiburg, Germany
Peter Stone - University of Texas, USA
Satoshi Tadokoro - Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
Mary-Ann Williams - Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, USA
Tijn van der Zant - RUG, Netherlands

*** Important dates and paper submission ***
7 May 2010: workshop paper submission deadline
7 Jun 2010: notifications on workshop paper submissions
16-20 Aug 2010: ECAI conference and workshops
17 Aug 2010: BIMRS workshop @ ECAI

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