[robocup-humanoid] RoboCup 2012 Mexico: AdultSize -- Tsinghua Hephaestus confirmation response

邓卡 deng-k10 at mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Sat Feb 25 21:38:32 EST 2012

Dear Humanoid League Technical Committee,

  First, I want to express my gratitude to Humanoid League Technical Committee, thank you for your hard work.

  Our team, Tsinghua Hephaestus, will participate in the competition, and we expect to complete the team-registration process before the end of March.

  If there are any further information we should provide, please let me know.

  Thanks again for your work. See you in in Mexico City!

Best regards,
Ka Deng
Tsinghua Hephaestus

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