[robocup-humanoid] RoboCup IranOpen2010 Call For Participation

Asad Norouzi assadn at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 5 05:46:28 EST 2010

**********apologies for duplicate messages**********

Dear All RoboCuppers!

I have the honor to inform you that RoboCup Iran Open 2010 Competitions and Symposium will be held at Tehran International Fair in April 5-9 2010.
The official website of RoboCup Iran Open 2010 is http://www.iranopen2010.ir

RoboCup Iran Open 2010 leagues are:

-Middle Size
-Small size
- at Home
-Standard Platform
-Soccer 3D Simulation
-Soccer 2D Simulation
-Mixed Reality
-Rescue Real
-Rescue Agent
-Rescue Virtual Robot
-Junior Rescue Primary
-Junior Rescue Secondary
-Junior soccer Secondary 1 on 1
-Junior soccer Secondary 2 on 2
****non-RoboCup leagues****
-RoboDeminer Autonomous
-RoboDeminer Manual
-RoboDeminer Technical Challenge
-Senior Demo
-Junior Demo

Please do not forget to pre-register your team before January 21st!

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further information.

Hope to see you all!

Best Regards,
Asad Norouzi

On Behalf Of
Iranian RoboCup National Committee
RoboCup IranOpen 2010 Organizing Committee


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