[robocup-humanoid] 2 rule clarifications

Oskar von Stryk stryk at sim.tu-darmstadt.de
Tue Jun 9 08:19:14 EDT 2009

Dear Humanoid League Teams,

After this years local open competitions the members of the technical 
committee have discussed and decided about two points:

1) Robots for throw-in challenge

Any robot taking part in the technical challenge must have played as a 
soccer robot before, and as long as it is legal for it to take part in the 
soccer match, it is allowed to participate in the challenge.

2) Team markers and colors

- Team markers to be used on robot arms and legs must consist
  of one or two stripes of in total length at least 10cm length on each 
  arm and leg.

- Because of the required solid shape appearance of the robot the team 
  markers must be visible in a width of at least 3cm from each side.

- The OC will provide the basic material for team markers 
  by paper and fabric material in standard cyan and magenta colors.
  These are to be used by all kid size teams (whenver they want or have 
  to use team markers during games) and can be customized by teach team
  to fulfill the requirements for their specific robots.

This solution aims at straightening out any discussion about 
appropriateness of individual colors of team markers in advance  
and provides enough flexibility to be adapted to the robots of every team.

Looking forward to meeting you soon in Graz!

Best regards,
Oskar von Stryk
(on behalf of the members of the HL technical committee)

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